Tag Archives: Post Natal

FitPro’s: Questions to Consider When You Find Post Natal Rectus Diastasis

17 May
By Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons), Founder of Burrell Education, Specialist For Pregnancy and Post Natal Fitness & Therapy, London, UK. www.burrelleducation.com

As a health and fitness professional serving Post Natal clients, there are (in my opinion) 5 major confounding issues that the client presents with when employing the service of a specialist fitpro….in no particular order:
1.  A wobbly stomach with stretched skin and poor muscular tension/tone and a general feeling of disconnect to the abdominals.
2.  How to get rid of a C-Section tummy that overhangs her scar.
3.  A malfunctioning pelvic floor leading to at best urinary leakage, at worst faecal incontinence.
4.  A palpable gap at the midline of the abdominals, technical term: Rectus Diastasis or Distension and when/if it will close.
5.  How to get rid of ‘baby fat’!
This post relates to a few other factors to bear in mind when a client presents with a Distension (Diastasis) beyond simply measuring the gap and deciding what type of programming is suitable for her present state.
1.  How old is the clients’ ‘baby’?  – The older the Distension, the less likely that it will close completely ie., a 6 month PN client is in a much likelier position than a 2 year PN client.
2.  How old is the client?  – A younger mother (under 30) is generally in a better position regarding Collagen and Elastin production compared to an older mom (sorry!).
3.  What is the condition of the midline?  Papery/slack and offering very little resistance or can gap be felt but midline has good tension that can withstand pressure?  – Having a distension (gap between the bellies of the Rectus Abdominis) doesn’t necessarily mean that you are doomed to a life of poor core strength, incontinence and back pain.  For example, many fitness professionals who returned to work early to teach classes and exercised inappropriately often have fantastic looking midsections and fully-functioning core’s with a a Distension.  Their Rectus bellies can be separated but their midline is strong on palpation and more than able to do its job of withstanding intra-abdominal pressure when required to.
3.  If the client had a previous birth, what were the conditions of the abdominals before and after the previous baby?Previously separated abdominals are less like to return to a fully closed position after a second and third pregnancy and birth.
4.  Was there a short space of time between two pregnancies? – Connective tissue needs time to heal, short time-frames between pregnancies is less ideal and mothers with short gaps between pregnancies are more likely to experience poorer tissue resoration post birth compared to those who have had a longer ‘healing period’ between births.
5.  What kind of abdominal work/sport has the client been performing post birth and prior to coming to see you the Trainer.  What’s her occupation and daily activity levels? – I once assessed a fitness professional with a Distension to find that she taught 2 Spin Classes, 4 Body Pumps and led a running club.  She had a two year old distension that probably would remain as her work activities and full schedule did not allow for modification to the quantity of stress placed on her abdominal muscles – incidentally, she had a firm midline and didn’t experience any back pain or incontinence!

6.  Does the client experience any back pain or pain during her activities of daily life (ADL’s)? Especially in the case of a longstanding Distension with a firm mid-line, if the client has good continence and no back pain and is happy with her tummy…..who are we try to ‘fix’ her.
Answers to all of the above questions will give you a much fuller picture of your clients’ true core strength and capabilities and help you create a more realistic core strength programme suitable for the demands of her life.

www.burrelleducation.com – Passionate About Pregnancy & Post Natal Health & Fitness Education FOREVER! 


Why You Need to MOVE to Work Your Pelvic Floor!

16 May

By Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons), Founder of Burrell Education (www.burrelleducation.com)
Specialist Pregnancy and Post Natal Fitness & Therapy Education

BIG NEWS! The pelvic floor musculature does not exist and function in isolation! So……when we consider restoring it’s function and strength,  especially after birthing, MOVEMENT (the right amount at the right time) has to be part of our exercise prescription.  Eventually our prescription for the PF needs to be INTEGRATED, WHOLE BODY AND CHALLENGE THE ENTIRE MYOFASCIAL AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE SYSTEM.

First up….The Abdominal Aponeuroses

The Abdominal Aponeuroses are sheets of tendon that cover and connect the abdominal muscles to the pelvic girdle.  In terms of it’s relationship to the pelvic floor muscles (especially the anterior musculature), concentric and eccentric movement of not only the abdominal muscles but connecting aponeuroses and fascia ALL HAVE A SYNERGISTIC AND POSITIVE EFFECT ON THE PELVIC FLOOR ie., lift both of your arms into the air at the same time so they end  up just past your ears and ‘listen’ to what your pelvic floor has to say…..can you feel a change in its tension and a tightening?  Yes?  That’s the relationship between the muscles, fascia and tendons stretching from your pubis to your sternum talking to you!

Next up, the Anterior Longditudinal Ligament (ALL) and Posterior Longditudinal Ligaments (PLL).  When I first discovered these two ligaments, it was a major lightbulb moment, gee whizz! So to keep this simple,  I’ll focus on the ALL, this continuum of ligament runs alongside the spinal column from the cervical region to the sacrum where there are fascial links to…..guess where?  THE PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLES.  So what does that mean in exercise terms?  Flex and extend the spine ie., BEND OVER AND RETURN and you also work your Pelvic Floor!

Now onto the adductors of the femur.  Just take a look at where the proximal attachments fasten – extremely close to the PF!  And guess what?  Thanks to fascia, everytime your adductors are fired the PF muscles are too!

The deep lateral rotators of the femur, namely the Gemellus and Obturator muscles facilitate abduction of the femur.  They are all intimately posititioned within the pelvic basis proximal to the PF muscles and thanks to the fascia factor, firing these muscles also fire the PF  muscles.

Ok, so now onto the rest of your ‘CORE’

In the most basic terms, the components of the  ‘CORE’ can be defined as the pelvic floor muscles, the TVA, the diaphragm and the lumbar muscles and fascia.  These 4 components all work reciprocally and are synergized by respiration.  Point in case:

  • Breathe out throught pursed lips and simultaneously pull your belly button in towards your spine, can you eventually feel your pelvic floor muscles lifting and tightening?  That’s the synergistic relationship between your PF, diaphragm and your TVA.
  • Do this again and this time take your attention toward the muscles of your low back this time, now can you also feel these muscles tensioning too?

So, in summary…..

  • Squat or take your legs apart (abduction) – the pelvic floor is active.
  • Squeeze your knees together especially against resistance (a pilates ball or ring) – the pelvic floor is active.
  • Perform flexion to extension (bend over) – the pelvic floor is active.
  • Breathe in and out – the pelvic floor is active.
  • Move into throacic extension – the pelvic floor is active.

The pelvic floor also loves…..

  • Whole Body Vibration – yes, the vibration works on those muscles too!  From a Powerplate to a Flexibar, it’s all good.
  • Working against gravity, and snappy movement – from hopping foot to foot to full blown plomentric jumping
  • A neutral pelvis and beautifully aligned posture
  • A global myofascial system free of tension and restriction

I hope that’s helped you to reconsider what you consider to be PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISE and if you liked this blog, and would like to know more about my modern, inspiring education, check out the Burrell Education website: www.burrelleducation.com.

My June 15th Modern Post Natal Assesment  & Exercise Prescription CPD has SOLD OUT! So I’ve decided to add another date on Friday 22nd June.  If you’d like to attend, please book sharpish as 4 places have already gone.

Visit the website for more details and booking: www.burrelleducation.com

Passionate About Pregnancy & Post Natal Health & Fitness Education FOREVER! 

Connect With Me on FACEBOOK and Twitter

3 Excellent ‘Core and Floor’ Exercises for the Post Natal Client

15 May

By Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons) – Founder of Burrell Education (www.burrelleducation.com)
Specialist Pregnancy and Post Natal Fitness & Therapy Education

For rationale on grading the PN client as Level 1 to 4, please see blog article entitled: ‘5 VITAL Steps to Post Natal Fitness Programming’ – Posted in January 2012.

1.  Kneeling Scapular Retraction & Abdominal Scooping – Looks simple but there’s a lot’s going on here.  This exercise is great for activating the lumbar and thoracic musculature/fascia.  Holding the kneeling hip flexion position ‘turns’ on this musculature and fascia whilst simultaneously performing scapular retraction by pulling the band wide activates deconditioned thoracic musculature.  TVA/PF activation occurs as the client aims to withstand the pull of gravity on her abdominals by activating TVA and its synergist PF. Suitable for Levels 3 & 4 clients.  If the client is unable to activate TVA and keep her abs pulled in as she works, this position is too advanced for her.  You can regress this exercise by performing it in a standing position (still with hip flexion) to reduce the effect of gravity on still weakened abdominal muscles.

2.  Assisted Heel Drops – One for the Pilates massive! – I teach this in the ‘flat back’ or ‘imprint’ lumbar position for the PN client to off-set and de-train her anterior tilted pelvis and to assist in lengthening shortened lumbar musculature and fascia.  The flat back also ensures that the lengthened abdominals are being re-strengthened in a shortened position.  An early PN exercise (Level 2 onwards).  Client gently holds here knees as she works, ensuring the at TVA activation and the lumbar position is maintained throughout.  As the client progresses, the hands can be placed on the floor as she works.  You might find that early returning C-Section clients might first need to be regressed to  HEEL SLIDES before progressing onto these ASSISTED HEEL DROPS.

3.  Kneeling Straight Arm Press Downs with NEUTRAL PELVIS!  – A great way to strengthen the abdominals without creating the usual intra-abdominal pressure associated with crunches.  Emphasize NEUTRAL PELVIS and TVA activation at all times to ensure the abdominals are not strengthened in a lengthened position and the Pelvic Floor muscles are in the perfect position to be activated.  Start and finish positions are shown.  Suitable for Levels, 2,3 and 4 clients.  In forder to ensure total core activation, cue the client to exhale as she simultaneously presses her arms downwards and draws her belly-button towards the spine.  This will have a synergistic benefit to the pelvic floor muscles and muscles and fascia of the lumbar region.

Caveat:  This information is intended for use by Certified Specialist Professional seeking inspiration when programming for the Post Natal client.  If you are a mom looking for suitable exercises after your baby, please seek professional help/advice before commencing any exercise programme.

Need to modernize your exercise prescription for your Post Natal clients?

The next Burrell Education ‘Modern Post Natal Exercise & Exercise Prescription’ REPs Endorsed CPD Course in London, UK.

 Friday 15th June, 2012 – SOLD OUT!

New ‘Overflow Date’ – FRIDAY 22ND JUNE – BOOK EARLY! This WILL sell out!

Visit www.burrelleducation.com for more details of the next courses and securing your place.

Passionate About Pregnancy & Post Natal Health & Fitness Education FOREVER! 

Connect With Me on FACEBOOK and Twitter

Training Women? They Hate This…C-Section ‘Overhang’ :-(

2 May

By Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons), Founder of Burrell Education, Specialist For Pregnancy and Post Natal Fitness & Therapy, London, UK.


Ok, this is not a sexy, wow, bang, pop, post.  But it is important if you have anything to do with women who have had babies.  I don’t know it all but I’ve had a lot of experience of dealing with this question and maybe along this journey, if you follow this series of posts we will have started a started a conversation and a process of enquiry regarding a subject area that not many women are happy to discuss but are very troubled by – the dreaded C-Section ‘overhang’!!!!!!!!!  With nearly a quarter of the births in the UK occuring via C-Section and much more elsewhere, especially the USA (check out www.csectionrates.com) it’s a pretty big deal for a growing number of women.

Just a quick Google search of the term and a troll around various mom-centric sites shows that it is worrying, annoying and confusing for a lot of women.  There seems to be little information on WHAT CAUSES IT and HOW TO GET RID OF IT!  And indeed, lots of women also complain of the ‘overhang’ situation even after having a vaginal birth!  Indeed, apart from structural issues such as Diastasis – which is a whole different conversation, why do post baby women end up with bellies they are not pleased with?

In my experience, I think there are multiple factors at play here namely:

1.  Excess belly fat – due to pregnancy fat gain, increased cortisol during and after pregnancy, poor sleep and the stresses of early motherhood.
2.  Stretched skin – genetics, your age, your nutrition and your hydration are just a few factors that will affect the ability of your skin to ‘bouce back’ from a pregnancy.
3.  An imperfect post operative stitching technique – this I don’t know much about but I will research and report back.
4.  Scar tissue buildup – simple, there has been a wound, there will be scar tissue that need to be manipulated to avoid myofascial congestion and a loss of optimal function and transferrence of energy through the entire system – global and local.
5. Odema due to the C-Section wound being still in the healing phase – this is an ‘early-days’ issue which should resolve naturally.
6.  Numbness, loss of sensation and ‘connection’ to the lower abdominal area leading to frustration when performing abdominal work and the client therefore having poor adherence – it’s our job as fitness professionals to help the client have faith that she can return to a place where she will be happy again.
7.  Inappropriate core strength work being performed with no emphasis on the synergist relationship with the Pelvic Floor muscles, the other components of ‘the core’ and furthermore the WHOLE INTEGRATED SYSTEM!
8.  Poor nutrition and hydration that doesn’t assist and promote healing.
9.  Poor bowel movements that totally scupper any quest for a flat tummy!

So…..for what it’s worth for the whole month of May, I’m going to do a little experiment.  Over a 12 month period, I was lucky enough to experience C-Section not once but TWICE!  Without even a baby to show for it!  I had a condition known as uterine fibroids where benign tumors grow at warp speed attached to the uterus and you eventually have very messed up periods and a huge tummy (note to all – NEVER JUDGE A FAT BELLY!) could be something much more serious than love of cake :-).  Anyhow, to cut a long story short, these tumours were removed in January only to duplicate again at warp speed and by the following January I had no option other than to have an abdominal hysterectomy via C-Section AGAIN.  Incidentally, this might be pertinent information for those of you who train over 50 clients, this is usually part of their story (I’m only 42).

So, I’m 14 months out of the Hysterectomy and what am I left with?

1.  Bit of a fat belly, definitely not tight and flat – I still can’t wear my size 10 (UK)  jeans that I could wear before, I’m in 12’s and feel good.
2.  Post umbilical numbness – around70%
3.  A new ‘firmness’ local to the scar area that I think is due to a build-up of scar tissue

On a positive note, I feel fit and well and extremely grateful, (my fitness regime includes Kettlebell, Power Lifting, Running, Power Plate, I train with a Trainer and I still work as a Trainer and write/teach/run my courses and present).  My energy is awesome, my diet is good but still have a love/hate affair with sugar and I’m teetotal.  I’m on the up!

So,  for the entire month of May, I’m going to adhere to a regime that does everything possible to tackle all the components of healing regeneration, retrengthening and reconnection and see what happens.  I’m going to apply, bodywork principles, nutrition and exercise to my belly situation and see what occurs and I’ll check in once a week with the results (subscribe to be alerted).  It will be interesting to see the results and of course I’ll now go and do a before pic so we have a comparison.

My Self-Prescription

(This is not a recommendation to clients, I’ve been a Trainer for 13 years! If you are a client –  incase you’re wondering, yes, this is a lot of exercise – the running is extra to my normal routine).

1.  Get better sleep – Topical Magnesium Oil EVERY NIGHT before bed
2.  Chill more – Holosync on headphones daily and/or organic meditation
3.  1.5 – 2 litres of lemon water a day
4.  Train for 10K race Sunday 3rd June (2×20 min Interval Training and 1 longer Sunday run)
5.  3 Metabolic Resistance Training Sessions per week (2 x 20 mins plus 1 hour of PT)

7.  I’ll massage my whole abdomen for 10 mins daily using a combination of tradition massage.  I’ll use tradition strokes superficially but also go a little deeper.  This site has great information on C-Section recovery if you are interested – http://www.csectionrecovery.com, and I’ll also include some Instrument Assisted Massage (using an IAM tool (shown above) – www.iamtools.co.uk – thanks Malcolm).
8.  I’ll take 2 tablespoons of linseeds in warm water before bed nightly for phenomenal bowel transit.
9.  Oh and of course, continue my war on sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This might last longer than a month 🙂

Anyhow, that’s quite a lot to be getting on with.  I’m going to take my before pic now and workout!  Til next time.

PS I’d like to hear your experience, thoughts and suggestions on the matter if you too can add something to the conversation.  Speak soon.

For PASSIONATE, MODERN FORWARD-FACING CPD Fitness and Therapy Education for the Pregnant and Post Baby Fitness Professional visit:


Why/How Vibration Training Works for the Post Natal Client

6 Apr

By Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons) – Founder of Burrell Education, London, UK , REPs Endorsed
Modern Pregnancy & Post Natal Fitness Education

Just over a week to go til the UK’s Top Fitness Convention, here’s a taster of one of my presentations in partnership with Power Plate International UK. 

As a fitness professional and educator with over a decade of experience providing fitness and therapy solutions for the Pregnant and Post Natal client and my peers, I think I can safely say that the world of fitness education and training principles for the Post Natal client has finally caught up the rest of the game-changing developments occurring in fitness right now.  And just as well, because even if we aren’t parents ourselves, we all have some insight into just how tough being a mom can be on both body and soul and these women need safe, sound and highly effective fitness strategies to get them back into their grooves.

Mothering a new baby is a tough job, requiring the constant lifting and carrying of an ever-increasing weight (the weight of a newborn is averaged at 3.5kg and rising) not to mention the countless squats, lunges, pulls, pushes, rotations and bends-to-extends performed throughout an extremely long ‘working day’ – I also hear that the pay’s not so great either!

New moms have the work-rate of high level athletes but unfortunately, in the wake of childbirth, many find themselves severely lacking in the energy, vitality and functional strength (especially with regards to their core and pelvic floor) to perform well in their ‘sport’.

What do moms returning to exercise want/need?  In my experience and in no particular order a typical checklist during an Initial Consultation usually looks like this:

  1. More energy and to feel good again!
  2. A solution for a ‘leaky’ pelvic floor
  3. Core strength restoration and a better looking mid-section
  4. FAT LOSS!  ( Actually, this is usually No. 1)
  5. A metabolism/hormonal re-boot
  6. Improved muscle strength and tone
  7. Functional fitness for their demanding day
  8. A ‘bang-for-buck’ workout – as short as possible and highly effective without leaving them drained

So how can the Power Plate serve the Post Natal client?  If you are new to the concept of Whole Body Vibration Training (WBV) – in basic terms – when WBV is incorporated into an exercise session, both target and non-target musculature is stimulated unconsciously by the multi-directional vibrating plate and the vibration is absorbed at hugely increased speeds of between 30-50 times per second. This leads to a highly significant rise in muscle contraction and fitness gains without the traditional increase in loading (ie., lifting a progressively heavier weights).  This major factor creates the potential for a shorter workout compared with traditional land-based training.

So, let’s start with the leaky Pelvic Floor – the very act of carrying the ever-increasing weight of growing baby let alone the process of a vaginal birth means that practically all women are in need of focussed work and strategies to firstly reconnect them to their pelvic floor musculature before improving its strength and function.  Enter……Whole Body Vibration.  In the simplest terms, WBV also includes the musculature of the Pelvic Floor and the simple act of standing on a vibrating platform has the same effect on Pelvic Floor muscles as it does the rest of the body.  In tests, both the baseline activity level (just standing on the Plate without performing Kegels) of Pelvic Floor muscles were significantly increased as well as the strength of Kegel muscle contractions when performed on the Plate.  Clients also reported and increased ablility to ‘connect’ with their Pelvic Floor muscles – a huge and vital accomplishment for many.  This is due to the stimulus provided by WBV to the nerves serving the Pelvic Floor musculature and its outlets,  predominantly the Pudendal nerve.  The vital work that can be achieved with the Power Plate to help clients re-establish contact with their Pelvic Floor and the rest of their core shouldn’t be underestimated.  For many clients this period of post birth incontinence can be extremely distressing and for many a formal, easy-to-do exercise programme that is adhered to can provide the solution to an embarrassing problem.  The take-home here, is just get the client onto the Plate and the magic will begin even without performing Kegels!

Next up, core strength restoration and a better-looking mid-section.  If you already use the Plate, you probably have a repertoire of core strength exercises that are suitable for the general client population, so how do you create similar solutions for the Post Natal client with stretched and (in the case of the C-Section client) severely traumatized musculature, ligaments and fascia.  There are a few key principles to follow:

First the clients’ core strength needs to be fully assessed.  This involves a verbal screening for post birth changes in sensation and function and if possible (for early returners to exercise) viewing the C-Section scar to ensure full external healing.  The client then needs to be checked for Rectus Diastasis (Distension).  For all pregnancies, it’s a totally natural phenomenon, the mid-line of the abdominals with the Linea Alba at the surface has to stretch to accommodate the growing baby and after birth, its return to normal strength, tension and function takes time.  In the case of the C-Section birth, the midline has been cut and separated in order to gain access to the uterus to allow birthing.  After the uterus is sutured, THE MIDLINE TISSUES ARE NOT and only the outer layer of skin and underlying soft tissue is sutured.  The key point here is that during the early days of healing (until at least 6 months Post Natal) care has to be taken to avoid performing inappropriate abdominal and whole body exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure and consequently pressure to an already weakened and healing midline.  Inappropriate activity at this time can lead to lingering issues with core strength due to an obstinate separation of the Rectus Abdominis and other underlying abdominal muscles and back/pelvic pain later down the line.  So, what does core training look like on the Plate?

After categorising the clients’ core strength according to level of any Diastasis found, the exercises below were created to provide stimulus for superficial and deep muscles of the core including Pelvic Floor and the lumbar muscles and associated fascia.

Resistance Band Deadlifts

In the flexed-hip, neutral spine position, the client is asked to contract TVA.   The abdominals are challenged by a combination of factors: resisting gravity, TVA activation and unconscious stimulation via WBV.  The vibration also provides unconscious work for the Pelvic Floor muscles.  Additionally, the resisted bend-to-extend pattern of the ‘Deadlift’, fires the core by providing work specifically for the Lumbar Multifidus, Erector Spinae muscles and Thoracic Fascia.



Isometric Handle Pushes

An entry-level exercises for the early PN client.  While maintaining a neutral spine and TVA activation, isometric double-handed presses are coached while the client maintains optimal breathing (exhale – TVA activated – PF lifted).  This simple move provide great stimulation for the whole hoop of the core (including the Pelvic Floor).  Reducing stability by performing this exercise on one leg, also increase challenge.  The simplicity of these exercises allows space for the client to ‘reconnect’ with her whole core and the trainer to coach the finer points of a reconnection strategy.


Ab-Scooping, Pelvic Tilts and Kegels

This move combines the core muscles resisting the effects of gravity in the prone position, the synergist relationship between TVA activation and Pelvic Floor and  the ‘switching on’ of Pelvic floor through pelvic tilting whilst adding a simultaneous Kegel contraction.  Sound a little complicated but with great coaching the client will be successful and feel incredibly connected to her whole core.  As the pelvis is moved into the neutral position and the client usually reports pelvic floor activation (heightened by vibration), she is also coached to perform a simultaneous Kegel contraction. If this last part of the exercise isn’t possible, no worry as the PF muscles still receive great stimulation via the vibration.  This exercise is not suitable for clients with a Diastasis or those who are unable to maintain ‘scooped abdominals’ in this prone position…remember, any bulging – stop – the client is not strong enough yet.


Plate Crunch and Kick-Back

A crunch but not as you know it!  Here we are performing Rectus Abdominis flexion and extension in the prone kneeling position.  The client is coached to activate TVA throughout and the trainer helps the client truly visualise the concentric and eccentric phases of the exercise as the knee is brought in and then the leg is extended out.  Again, vibration creates extra stimulation to the whole core and greatly accelerates the benefits and results of this exercise.  The version shows extra resistance being added via the cable.  An entry level client would work without added resistance.  This exercise is not suitable for clients with a Diastasis or those who are unable to maintain ‘scooped abdominals’ in this prone position…remember, any bulging – stop – the client is not strong enough.  Also fabulous work for reconditioning the glutes – vital for promoting pelvic stabily and optimal posture.



The ‘Campbell Crunch’

This static four point floating box position can be regressed back to six points by adding a step platform close the plate onto which the knees rest in between work periods.  The client is coached to contract TVA (working the prone core against gravity). When performing the entry level version of this exercise, the client is coached to lift and lower the knees (each move being held for approximately 2 seconds).  This exercise can easily be progressed by asking the client to hold the elevated position for longer or by also incorporating palm lifts or leg extensions to reduce stability and increase challenge.

Kneeling Resisted Scapular Retraction

Fabulous move for improving core and thoracic strength.  In the hip flexed position, the client is coached to maintain TVA activiation with an optimal breathing strategy (see above).  She is then asked to draw the band apart creating work for typically deconditioned thoracic mommy muscles.  Not as easy as it looks!

In the arena of promoting fat loss, a metabolic/hormonal re-boot, improved muscle strength and tone and time-efficient fitness the Plate really comes into it’s own:

‘Following acute exposure to WBV training, there are several positive dynamic responses in the body’s endocrine system.  These hormonal responses constitute a powerful benefit to all types of exercise programmes.  Research has documented that subsequent to acceleration training, anabolic hormones are enhanced:  human growth hormone is multiplied, free testosterone rises, Serotonin levels increase and Cortisol is reduced.  Strength gains are amplified and the sense of wellbeing is enhanced and subjects achieve results more efficiently than with many forms of conventional training.  The endocrine responses from acceleration training promote balance in the autonomic nervous system, and beneficially impact growth, recovery and regeneration, creating the environment for positive change.’  (Adapted from Handbook of Acceleration Training, Science, Principles and Benefits).

The typical Post Natal client presents initially for exercise with lingering hormonal imbalance (heavy on the Oestrogens that are ‘fat increasing’) low on the lean muscle-building hormones.  Exercising at the optimal thresholds (ie., rest-based anaerobic training) can be extremely valuable in helping to normalize this imbalance alongside the positive effect of WBV.  Cortisol over-production is also another huge factor in the Post Natal clients’ fat storage issue (especially in the abdominal area) and her ability to metabolise fat as a source of energy.  With naturally elevated levels of Cortisol during Pregnancy still lingering into the Post Natal period caused by random sleep patterns and the possible stress of managing a newborn infant, any exercise modality that helps to reduce rather than raise Cortisol levels is obviously a huge bonus.  The brevity of exercise sessions 20-30 mins is also a huge bonus in the war against elevating Cortisol too.

The Plate also lends itself perfectly to performing rest-based interval training – the optimal tool for promoting Post Natal fat loss especially for the time poor.  A 20-25 minute workout is the foundation of this system of training.  If performed with the optimal exercise combinations most clients will feel more than sufficiently challenged by a workout of this length.  Also, levels of Serotonin, one of our feel-good hormones is also increased leading to a feeling of well-being which is surely the ultimate aim for both trainer and client.  We all want clients to return for sessions because the last one made them feel goooooood!

The cherry on the cake comes in ability of the trainer to utilise the Plate to train the full range of functional movement patterns that will serve a mother in her daily life.  Training in movement patterns as opposed to isolated muscle groups provides greater ‘real-life’ strength gains for the whole body including the core but most interestingly on the Pelvic Floor muscles!  In tests carried out  (using a vaginal EMG probe),  Pelvic Floor muscle activation was measured when performing standard and multi-planar functional lower body movements and the results were extremely impressive.  In summary it was found that leg adduction, abduction, squatting, jumping, lunging in multiple planes (especially frontal and transverse) all produced greater EMG readings than then humble Kegel!  THE PELVIC FLOOR THRIVES ON MOVEMENT!  The relationship between the deep adductors and abductors and both the fascia and musculature of the Pelvic Floor and pelvic basin all contribute to this increase activity alongside the creation of a stretch reflex during wide-legged movements such as squatting.  Other factors such as a neutral pelvic position and the synergistic relationship of Pelvic Floor muscles with TVA also have a role to play in accentuating muscular activation and the ability for the Post Natal client to re-connect to her PF muscles.

So in summary, let’s briefly return to that Post Natal Initial Consultation checklist:

  1. More energy and to feel good again! CHECK
  2. A solution for a ‘leaky’ pelvic floor – CHECK
  3. Core strength restoration and a better looking mid-section – CHECK
  4. FAT LOSS!  ( Actually, this is usually No. 1) – CHECK
  5. A metabolism/hormonal re-boot – CHECK
  6. Improved muscle strength and tone – CHECK
  7. Functional fitness for their demanding day – CHECK
  8. A ‘bang-for-buck’ workout – as short as possible and highly effective without leaving them drained – CHECK

All in all, I hope this article has given you some insight into the wide-ranging benefits of incorporating WBV into your training programmes for the Post Natal client.  It’s positive aspects are pretty impressive and it delivers huge bang-for-buck every time and on every level for both the trainer and the clients. Never forget, we’re in the results game and successful clients are the bed-rock of successful businesses.

References, Further Reading & Education Resources

  1. Handbook of Acceleration Training – Science, Principles & Benefits, G Van der Meer, E Zeinstra, J Tempelaars, S Hopson, Power Plate International, 2007.
  2. Post Natal Assessment and Exercise Prescription, REPs Endorsed, 1 – Day CPD Workshop, J Burrell, Burrell Education, 2007. (Available via PtontheNet Box Office)
  3. Power Plate Post Natal Assessment and Exercise Prescription, 1-Day CPD Workshop, J Burrell, Burrell Education & Power Plate International, 2009. (Available via PtontheNet Box Office)
  4. Therapeutic Exercise for Lumbopelvic Stabilization, C Richardson, P Hodges, J Hides, 2ndEdition, Churchill Livingstone, 2004.
    1. Functional Digest Series, Volume 3.3, The Pelvic Floor, Gary Gray, 2003.
    2. Fitness for the Pelvic Floor, Beate Carriere, Thieme, 2002.
    3. Pelvic Power, E Franklin, Elysian Editions, Princeton Book Company. 2002.
    4. The Crunchless Core DVD, www.crunchlesscore.com, 2010.


Before considering any exercise session with the Post Natal client using a vibration platform, the fitness professional should be both certified as a Pre/Post Natal specialist and have undergone a foundation level of education for the use of vibration platforms with this and the general population.  Fitness professionals are also advised to carry out a full pre-exercise assessment specific to this client group before commencing any physical activity in order to create safe and bespoke exercise prescription specific to the clients’ needs.

Jenny Burrell is founder of Burrell Education (www.burrelleducation.com), a REPs Licensed Education Provider based in London.  Burrell Education specializes in Pre/Post Natal Fitness and Massage Therapy Education.  Jenny also runs her own Pre/Post Natal fitness and therapy practice in West London.  Jenny is the author of the Power Plate Post Natal Certification and lectures at the UK Academy in London – Please check www.burrelleducation.com for dates of Power Plate Post Natal Certification Courses.

Why Fat Loss May Be Harder For Your Breastfeeding Clients

2 Apr

By Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons), Founder of Burrell Education, Specialist REPs Endorsed Pregnancy and Post Natal Fitness& Therapy Education, London, UK. http://www.burrelleducation.com

What do women want on their return to exercise after having their babies?

  • Fatloss?
  • Energy?
  • A better looking  & functioning belly?
  • A non-leaky pelvic floor?
  • Rest?

With over a decade of experience working with this client population, the tools and strategies to tackle all of these areas have never been more effective, plentiful and easy to implement.

1.  Let’s start with post baby fat loss.  A bit of a tricky subject if you’re not able to get with the science.  There are a few key factors why post baby clients hold fat:

  • The heightened Cortisol during pregnancy, remains high after birth and this situation is not helped by the added stressors of the early post birth period, poor sleep patterns and for some, the hormonal influence on fat stores perpetuated by on-going breast feeding.  It’s a complexed subject but here Jade Teta of the Metabolic effect succinctly explains one of the mysteries of why many women DO NOT lose fat when they breastfeed unless perhaps you are Victoria Beckham or Abbey Clancey :-)!
  • The next key area of the post baby fat loss conundrum is EXERCISE INTENSITY.  I could write forever on this but basically, the magic bullet for blitzing fat stores is INTENSITY NOT TIME!  Unfortunately, most people don’t like to get uncomfortable (literally and metaphorically) so rarely go there!  Unfortunately, discomfort is a vital key to effective exercising in shorter sessions that have huge fat burning/hormonal shifting potential for HOURS AFTER YOUR ACTUAL EXERCISE SESSION!   Here are the generally accepted key elements of a metabolism boosting, fat busting session:

a)       It’s short 20-30 mins maximum

b)      Contains compound, integrated, functional movement – no individual ‘body-part’ exercising here! OK, may just bi’s and tri’s 😉 firm arms mean the world to us girls!

c)       The exercise makes you sweat

d)      The exercise makes your muscles burn

e)      You get out of breath

f)       You get hot

g)      You push yourself ie., get a little uncomfortable

h)      You don’t over-rest within the training period

The third component of successful post baby fat loss is Optimum Re-Nutrition.  Pregnancy, birthing through to the early post birth period is a time of depletion for the mother.  When the dust has settled, a key consideration is to re-nourish the body, replenishing depleted stores of essential vitamins and minerals that ensure her system regains balance and functions optimally.  Many clients have no idea of the positive nutritional potency of many everyday foodstuffs and conversely how harmful to health many  foods in their current diet are too – mainly those that come in packets!  These days it really seems that we’ve finally nailed it!  We have a long-term formula that actually works in terms of health, wellbeing, offsetting later life disease and helping us to consistently shed and keep fat off.  Basically it boils down to:  Get rid of, or at the very least CONSISTENTLY LIMIT the C.R.A.P  in our diets– starchy carbohydrates and grains,  refined foods and to be honest any sugar, alcohol and processed/packaged foods.  Following these protocols will have a transformational effect on your clients’ energy, wellbeing and fat loss potential.  Insulin is the master hormone for fat loss and once you get out of the sugar-trap, the results are amazing but for a lot of people a diet consisting mainly of restricted quantities of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables and selected fruit is challenging….that is, until they see the fat falling away.  Based on my own personal and client experience, I created a cut and paste Post Baby Fat Loss manual that you can plug into your business almost automatically to establish your own system for POST BABY FAT LOSS THROUGH OPTIMUM NUTRTION.

  Check out the contents here:


2.  Energy – Short, energising exercise session, a great diet, some key supplementation (high quality multivit, essential fats), good hydration and a dedicated strategy for resting as much as possible and not trying to be superwoman during this challenging life phase will go a long way to ensuring that your mommy has hugely improved energy levels.  Top tip:  If funds permit, suggest to clients that they find someone to help with the big cleaning jobs a few hours a week can be transformational and probably not far off the price of the 2 bottles of wine they won’t be consuming per week anymore.

3.  A better looking and functioning belly & core.  OK, second only to Pelvic Floor issues ‘OMG, look at my belly!’ is the sentence that I hear uttered the most often.  Indeed,  after  at least 6 months of skin, fascia and muscles being stretched and the curious and annoying development of cellulite on the deflated tummy not to mention the dreaded stretch marks, the return journey back to a flat or at least half decent tummy isn’t always as smooth and rapid as most moms hoped it would be.  Also for many, Diastasis (the separation of the two bellies of the rectus abdominis alongside a flaccid and weakened mid-line tissue) adds an extra dimension to a difficult restorative period.  The final annoyance comes in the form of C-Section recovery which, I REALLY GET NOW!  (I managed to have 2 C-Sections  – only 12 months apart!).  Not only is C-Section blooming painful in the early days – you are left challenged to perform the simplest of tasks (bending over to put knickers and socks on!!!!) but then when you start to feel stronger after a few months and lift a heavy object , wear high heels or stay on your feet all day, the gift of an achy scar pointedly reminds you that the healing process still has a way to go.  Below are 3 core-restore exercises that I used on myself, and in my programmes with clients that I’ve found to be extremely effective and with clients with their core strength assessed to be at Level 2 or above ( Level 2 = 2 finger or under distension with still weakened midline unable to withstand significant intra-abdominal pressure continuously).

 Kneeling Scapular Retraction & Abdominal Scooping

Looks simple but there’s a lot’s going on here.  This exercise is great for activating the lumbar and thoracic musculature/fascia.  Holding the kneeling hip flexion position ‘turns’ on this musculature and fascia from lumbar to the thoracic back, whilst simultaneously performing scapular retraction by pulling the band wide further activates deconditioned thoracic musculature.  TVA/PF activation occurs as the client aims to withstand the pull of gravity on her abdominals by activating TVA and its synergist PF. Suitable for Levels 2, 3 & 4 clients.  If the client is unable to activate TVA she works, and experiences a bulging of her abdominals, this position is too advanced for her.  You can regress this exercise by performing it in a standing position (still with knees bent and in hip flexion) to reduce the effect of gravity on still weakened abdominal muscles and midline.  Here this exercise is shown being performed on a Power Plate.  The principles of Whole Body Vibration accelerate this brilliant exercise, taking it to another level but is still highly effective when performed on the ground.  The settings are 30-30-Low.  (Please seek advice from a certified experienced Power Plate Trainer if you are not certified to use this equipment with Post Natal clients).

Assisted Heel Drops and Heel Slides

One for the Pilates massive! – I teach this in the ‘flat back’ or ‘imprint’ lumbar position for the PN client to off-set and de-train her anterior tilted pelvis and to assist in lengthening shortened lumbar musculature and fascia.  The flat back also ensures that the lengthened abdominals are being re-strengthened in a shortened position (the anterior tilted pelvis and Pregnancy has lengthened the muscles and tissues).   Client gently holds her knees as she works, ensuring the at TVA activation and the lumbar position is maintained throughout.  As the client progresses, the hands can be placed on the floor as she works.  NB: You might find that early returning C-Section clients might first need to start with HEEL SLIDES before progressing onto this ASSISTED HEEL DROP as lifting the legs into the start position might be too challenging for them.


Heel Slides (With Glider) With Arm Extensions

 Kneeling Straight Arm Press Downs with NEUTRAL PELVIS!

A great way to strengthen the abdominals without creating the usual intra-abdominal pressure associated with crunches against a weakened core.  Emphasize NEUTRAL PELVIS and TVA activation at all times to ensure the abdominals are not strengthened in a lengthened position and the Pelvic Floor muscles are in the perfect position to be activated.  Start and finish positions are shown.  Suitable for Levels, 2,3 and 4 clients.  Remember to coach: EXHALE ON EXERTION (ie., when the band is being pulled down).

4.  A Non-Leaky Pelvic Floor – Pelvic Floor exercise has come a long, long way since Mr. Kegel and his great revelations BUT there is still a way to go beyond the walls of research and academia.  In plain terms….women are still leaking and those sales of Tena Lady are increasing year on year (yes I actually checked!!!).  So, a bit controversial here,  can I posit the notion that if Kegels are the sole answer to urinary and faecal incontinence (ie., they were easily taught, people understood them and compliance was easy) why does just one half of my local supermarket shelf look like this?

Right now, there is a huge, well researched and vociferous movement towards emphasising the importance of including MOVEMENT to re-train the Pelvic Floor once the client is out of the acute tissue trauma phase post birth.  That said, movement won’t necessarily solve the problems of more complicated and critical cases such as prolapse, but in the case of those simply seeking a restorative programme post birth,  the principles, practices and rationale of MOVEMENT BASED PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISE really has to be in the kit-bag of any medical and fitness professional who specializes in rehab in this area.

So what does the PF love?  Squatting, lunging, lifting, pulling, tilting, multiplanar movement, hopping, and balancing – do these moves sound famililar?  THESE ARE ALL FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENTS THAT WE’RE ALREADY PRESCRIBING FOR OUR CLIENTS!  All give superior unconscious stimulation to the PF muscles without the aid of performing or cueing Kegels and fit beautifully with modern exercise prescription and preparing the client for her REAL LIFE!  Combined with an optimal breathing strategy, basically (exhale on exertion – this puts a ‘lock’ on the Core Cannister and offsets increased intra-abdominal pressure against weakened abdominal tissue) PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISE BECOMES FUNCTIONAL.   I’ve summarized the ‘turn-ons and turn-offs’ for the Pelvic Floor in the table below:

Pelvic Floor ‘Turn On’s’/Strengtheners

Pelvic Floor ‘Turn Offs’ / Weakeners

Integrated Whole Body Movement!  Think of the effect of immobility on the continence of sedentary elders. Immobility
Vibration – whole body vibration also involves Pelvic Floor muscles too! Combative sports or those that involve body blows (consider a parallel bar gymnast).
Instability – the whole core is activated included TVA which is a synergist of PF. Anterior tilted pelvis (the usual pelvic position of the Pre & Post Natal client).
Adduction –due muscular & fascial links between adductors of the Femur and PF. Over-active Piriformis – seen by some as part of the Posterior PF.  The rear PF gets strong, the front PF gets weak!
Abduction – due muscular & fascial links between the deep lateral rotators of the Femur and the PF. Pregnancy (stretching of the PF muscles by the weight of a growing baby).
Multi-Planar Movement –a combination of stimulation of adductors and the stretch reflex occurring in the PF muscles. Vaginal birthing especially when assisted (ventous/forceps/episiotomy) – produces varying degrees of soft tissue and nerve trauma that can have a direct impact on the function and connection to the PF muscles post birth.
C-Section –crucial synergistic core ligaments, nerves, skin, blood vessels and fascia are severed and take many, many months  and in some cases, years to repair/reconnect
Working against gravity, especially with progressed speed and power.
TVA Activation & Diaphragmatic Breathing – TVA, Diaphragm and PF muscles are synergists. Persistent coughing without mindful control of the increased intra-abdominal pressure.
Co-Activation of PF through activation of the Muscular Sling and fascial systems ie., full body integrated/compound movements. Obesity  – causes chronic increase intra-abdominal pressure.
Menopause – causes a fall in Oestrogen production which affects connective tissue formation and strength.
Ageing – an ongoing decrease in Collagen and Elastin formation affects connective tissue tension and less resistance to gravity and pressure.

5.  Finally, last but most definitely not least –  Rest – For too long, meditation and those with a consistent practice have been seen as some sort of secret society but thanks to advances in modern technology the rest of us mortal souls can now enter the loop.  The power of meditation is HUGE and it’s a massive asset to health and well-being  and FAT LOSS even if you have just a few minutes a day to dedicate to it.   Even when night-time sleep is hard to come by using strategies such as ASSISTED MEDITATION wearing a set of headphones listening to an audio recording is a huge asset to redressing the imbalances caused by sleep deprivation.  Check out http://www.centerpointe.com and www.blissitations.com.  Both of these sites have products that you can purchase and or download that literally give your brain the equivalent of the best massage you’ve EVER had!  Utterly blissful and even 10 minutes does you the power of good!  Perfect for the time pressed mommy.  For more on this, check out my previous blog on Stress, Sleep Deprivation and Fat Loss.

So, in conclusion, fat loss is tricky at the best of times, never mind after the endocrine turbulence associated with pregnancy, birthing and breastfeeding.  Helping your clients to understand the facts will help to temper her anxiety that her body has gone to pot FOREVER.  Simply helping her to detoxify/clean up her diet and teaching her new ways to rest can be a great way to start on the journey to losing her baby weight in the early days but ultimately, this is one time in most women’s life when they are forced to learn the art of patience, self-acceptance regardless of what size they are wearing and a time for redefining what success means in terms of their diet and fitness.  It’s always a little dark before the light :-).  With our help, great guidance and empathy they will make it back and be better, stronger and wiser for their ‘down-time!

Til next time!  Remember…..Mediocrity is a Sin!  Go Bold or Go Home! 😉

I‘ll be presenting at the UK Top Fitness Convention later this month, check out the amazing line-up & my sessions….


Venous Thrombosis in Pregnancy and After Birth – RCOG Patient Info

24 Oct

What is venous thrombosis?

Thrombosis is a blood clot in a blood vessel (a vein or an artery). This information is about a thrombosis that occurs in a vein – the blood vessels that take blood towards the heart and lungs.

A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein of the leg, calf or pelvis. If the clot moves to the lung, it is called a pulmonary embolus.

What are the symptoms of a DVT during pregnancy?

The symptoms of a DVT usually occur in only one leg and include:

  • a red and hot swollen leg
  • swelling in your entire leg or just part of it
  • pain and/or tenderness – you may only experience this when standing or walking or it may just feel heavy.

Seek advice immediately from your doctor or midwife, if you notice one or more of these symptoms.

During pregnancy, swelling and discomfort in both legs is common and does not always mean there is a problem. Always ask your doctor or midwife if you are worried.

Why is a DVT serious?

The danger of a DVT is that the blood clot may break off and travel in the blood stream until it gets stuck in another part of the body, such as in the lung (pulmonary embolus).

The symptoms of a pulmonary embolus may include:

  • sudden unexplained difficulty in breathing
  • tightness in the chest or chest pain
  • coughing up blood (haemoptysis)
  • feeling very unwell or collapsing.

Seek help immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.

Although a pulmonary embolus is rare, it can be life-threatening. The risk of developing a pulmonary embolus once a DVT has been diagnosed and treated is extremely small.


Who is at risk of venous thrombosis?

Pregnant women are ten times more likely to develop venous thrombosis than women who are the same age and not pregnant. Venous thrombosis related to pregnancy can occur at any stage of pregnancy and for six weeks after birth. This is due to the changes from being pregnant.

Additional risks for developing a venous thrombosis in pregnancy are when you:

  • have had a previous venous thrombosis
  • have a condition called thrombophilia, which makes a blood clot more likely
  • are over 35 years of age
  • are overweight – body mass index (BMI) over 30
  • are carrying more than one baby (multiple pregnancy)
  • have severe pre-eclampsia (see RCOG Patient Information Pre-eclampsia: what you need to know[4])
  • have just had a caesarean delivery
  • are immobile for long periods of time, for example, after an operation or when travelling for four hours or longer
  • are a smoker.

How is venous thrombosis diagnosed during pregnancy?

Your doctor will examine your leg and may offer you an ultrasound scan of your leg to show where the clot is. If no clot is seen but you are still having symptoms, the scan may be repeated after one week.

Pulmonary embolus
The tests may include:

  • a chest X-ray (this can also identify common problems which could be the cause of your symptoms, such as a chest infection)
  • a CT scan (specialised X-ray) of your lungs
  • a VQ scan (ventilation perfusion) of your lungs. This needs a drip into a vein in your arm
  • an ultrasound of both your legs to look for an existing blood clot which may not have caused you any symptoms.

Are there any risks with having the tests?
The chest X-ray, CT scan and VQ scan use radiation (X-rays). You may be concerned about the risk of these tests to the baby. The chest X-ray uses a very small dose of radiation and the baby will be shielded. The risk to your baby of developing cancer in childhood after a VQ scan is extremely rare (1 in 280,000).

There are small risks with CT and VQ scans and these need to be weighed up against the risk to mother and baby of an undiagnosed venous thrombosis. A CT scan gives a higher dose of radiation to your breasts than a VQ scan and the lifetime risk of breast cancer may be increased. The risk may be increased by up to 13.6% with a background risk of 1 in 200.


What is the treatment for venous thrombosis?

As soon as your doctor suspects you have a venous thrombosis, you will be advised to start on treatment with an injection of heparin (an anticoagulant) to ‘thin the blood’. There are different types of heparin. The most commonly used in pregnancy is ‘low-molecular-weight heparin’ (LMWH).

For most women, the benefits of heparin are that it:

  • works to prevent the clot getting any bigger so your body can gradually dissolve the clot
  • reduces the risk of a pulmonary embolus
  • reduces the risk of another venous thrombosis developing
  • lowers the risk of long-term symptoms developing in the leg, known as ‘post-thrombotic syndrome’ (see What happens after birth and can I breastfeed?).

What does heparin treatment involve?
Heparin is given as an injection under the skin at the same time(s) every day. The dose is worked out for you according to your weight before you became pregnant. You (or a family member) will be shown how and where in your body to do the injections. You will be provided with the needles and syringes (usually already made up) and you will be advised on how to store and dispose of these. You will have regular check-ups, including blood tests, as an outpatient. You will probably not need to stay in hospital.

How long will I need to take heparin?
Treatment is usually recommended for the remainder of your pregnancy and for at least six weeks after the birth. The minimum treatment time is three months.

Contact your doctor if you experience any worrying symptoms when you are taking heparin (such as chest pains, unexpected bruises, a sudden change in your health). Also contact your doctor if you have any heavy bleeding during this time.

What else can help?

  • Stay as active as you can.
  • You will be prescribed a special stocking (graduated elastic compression stocking) which helps to reduce the swelling in the leg.
  • If you need pain relief, ask your doctor or midwife.


Are there any risks to me and my baby from heparin?

Low-molecular-weight heparin cannot cross the placenta to the baby and so is safe to take when you are pregnant.

There may be some bruising where you inject which will usually fade in a few days. One or two women in every 100 (1–2%) will have an allergic reaction when they inject. If you notice a rash after injecting, you should inform your doctor so that the type of heparin can be changed.

What should I do when labour starts?

Most women with a DVT continue with their pregnancy normally. If you think that you are going into labour, do not take any more injections. Phone your hospital immediately and tell them that you are on heparin treatment. They will advise you.

If the plan is to induce labour, you should stop your injections 24 hours before the planned date. An epidural injection (given into the space around the nerves in your back) cannot usually be given until 24 hours after your last injection. Alternative pain relief options will be discussed. An individual plan will be made with you.

What if I have a planned caesarean delivery?

Your last heparin injection should be 24 hours before the planned caesarean delivery (operation to deliver your baby). The heparin will usually be re-started within 3 hours of the operation.

What happens after birth and can I breastfeed?

Treatment should be continued for at least six weeks after birth. There is a choice of treatment after birth of continuing with injections of heparin or using warfarin tablets. Your doctor will discuss your options with you.

Both heparin and warfarin are safe to take when breastfeeding.

After birth, you will usually be given an appointment with your GP, obstetrician or haematologist. At your appointment the doctor will:

  • ask about your family history of thrombosis and discuss tests for a condition which makes thrombosis more likely (thrombophilia). These should be done ideally before any future pregnancies.
  • discuss your options for contraception (you should be advised not to take any contraception that contains estrogen, for example, the ‘combined pill’)
  • discuss future pregnancies: you will usually be recommended heparin treatment during and after your next pregnancy
  • give you information about a compression stocking: it is recommended that you should wear this on the affected leg for two years.

A glossary of all medical terms is available [5].

Sources and acknowledgements
This information is based on the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) guideline Thromboembolic Disease in Pregnancy and the Puerperium: Acute Management (published by the RCOG in February 2007). This information will also be reviewed and updated if necessary once the guideline has been reviewed. The guideline contains a full list of the sources of evidence we have used. You can find it online. [2]

Clinical guidelines are intended to improve care for patients. They are drawn up by teams of medical professionals and consumer representatives who look at the best research evidence available and make recommendations based on this evidence.

This information has been developed by the Patient Information Subgroup of the RCOG Guidelines and Audit Committee, with input from the Consumers’ Forum and the authors of the clinical guideline. It has been reviewed before publication by women attending clinics in Salisbury, Paisley and Bolton. The final version is the responsibility of the Guidelines and Audit Committee of the RCOG. The RCOG consents to the reproduction of this document providing that full acknowledgement is made.

A Final Note
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists produces patient information for the public. This is based on guidelines which present recognised methods and techniques of clinical practice, based on published evidence. The ultimate judgement regarding a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by the doctor or other attendant in the light of the clinical data presented and the diagnostic and treatment options available.

© Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2007